
touch your fourhead

Sometimes when Wednesday night English class ends early, we play Simon Says.

It's a little different than American kids game, because Simon (me) doesn't actually "touch" anything. Instead I say things like "Simon says touch your ears," and then the students try to remember what "ears" means.

Back in April (yes, that was forever ago, and yes, I have a backlog of blogs to write)... anyway, back in April, this made me chuckle for days:

Me: Simon says touch your forehead

Student: (starts reaching over to tap the heads of people around her, looks confused, looks at me
) Touch FOUR head?

Oh yes, I was laughing hysterically, but so was she. Gotta love a woman who can laugh at herself.

I took this group picture of the class, and then Kahlah and Tabweh asked for a separate shot (they're best buds).

1 comment:

sueper33 said...

I love this story :-) What a gift you are to them and them to you...