
all's fair in love

When we got engaged last August, I had no interest in taking engagement photos. But then, a few weeks ago, I changed my mind. The state fair had come to town, and there are few things in life I love more than fairs — the fried dough, the corndogs, the candy apples, the lights, and especially the people-watching.

Thinking back to last summer, I had this vivid memory of being at the fair with Ryan. It was a Friday night, and as we got off the Scrambler (the one ride I insist on riding every year), he spun me around in a pirouette, and we were belly-laughing and too dizzy to walk straight. I wished that I had a photo of that moment to match the snapshot in my mind. And then — Eureka! Why not take engagement photos at the fair?

I contacted a local photographer with the last-minute request; she agreed and offered August 20th as a possible date — which just so happened to be the one-year anniversary of our engagement. The rest, my friends, is history.

P.S. As someone who doesn't like taking center stage, this really pushed me out of my comfort zone. Instead of doing the people-watching, we were the people-being-watched. But I think it was good practice for our wedding day, and I was surprised at how everyone sort of faded into the background when I just focused on Ryan.


pride parade

Here's a splash of color for your weekend. Standing on the sidelines of the Indy Pride Parade, I felt a bit like Sarah Jessica Parker in Family Stone, fighting back the urge to shout, "I LOVE THE GAYS!" I felt, well, proud... of people for being who they are; for not making excuses; for not being afraid. I just wanted to hug everyone. Now if that doesn't make me sound like a raging hippie, don't know what would.


counting down

33 more days of being engaged. The past year has been full of planning and plotting, decisions and indecision.

People told me weddings were a lot of work. They weren't lying. We had plenty of stupid arguments about boutonnieres, and the pros and cons of buffet vs. plated dinners.

But when we sat down tonight at dinner to go over our vows, we agreed. No fussing, no fighting. We knew what we wanted and, for once, we both wanted the same thing. It's good to know that when it comes to the big stuff — you know, the whole marriage thing that follows the wedding bit — we're on the same page.